We planned months in advance to go to the Orchard in Lubbock in October and the kids counted down the days until we got to go. The day we go and what happens?? It rains...and not just a little rain, it rained really bad. We did not want to disappoint the kids and so we went anyway and said...."Hey, we will have some fun in the rain!!" The kids were so excited.
We had a blast!! It was not crowded (unlike last time we went) and we picked and picked and picked apples. Parker was sure he got every apple on the tree and Addison would pick them along the way. It was funny. Kate loved holding the apples. And then she would drop them.
And here come all the pictures. And yes, Kate is in pjs...I forgot to put in a onsie. At least she was warm.

Jeff was so proud of finding this apple. It was shiny and in his words "perfect!"

We had such a great time and now we have ALOT of apples. Jeff is looking forward to making mince meat. Now we just have to find green tomatoes. The kids are already talking about next year. We are going to make it a tradition each year!!!