Addison has absolutely no fear. And she loves the water. I have gotten her a lifejacket because I am afraid of what she will do. Our friends have a pool and she just loves to use their little slide. Then she noticed the BIG slide. It is huge, and she will go down it by herself. The other day she discovered the diving board....seriously, how old does she think she is?? Sorry the pics are so bad, they were taken with a cell phone.
Parker has always been fascinated with magic. Every time we go the library he wants to get magic books so that he can learn new tricks. Our local library had a magic class and so I signed Parker up because I knew that he would love it. He was so excited to go!! Plus he got to go with a good friend of his. The class was very entertaining and I enjoyed it. Harlin, the magician that was there, did great with the kids. They each got to take home a sack full of magic tricks that they had learned. So next time you see Parker ask him to show you his skills. He sure has been having fun showing us all of them.
Addison just loves stickers. They will keep her busy forever. The only problem is that she has not learned what you can put stickers on and so that means that I find them all over. While sitting here on the chair in my bedroom I can see one on my bedskirt, my dresser, a book I am reading and the wall over by the door. hehe Her daddy is kind enough to take some off her hands....check out the pic and you will see what I mean. I am fine with having stickers all over my house, hey at least she is happy.
Our next door neighbor has a huge apricot tree in his front yard. We kept watching them get bigger and bigger and then riper and riper and they just stayed there, he would never come and pick them. So last week I knocked on his door and asked him about them and he said have all you want. I don't like apricots....what a shame. We were excited because we all love them. But that also meant that we had lots to do. Alot of them needed to be made into jam, but that also meant lots for us to eat. YUMMY!!! We also gave a ton of them away, only because Jeff went over board and we had too many. We made jam and it is yummy and now we have a ton of it. Plus it is the first time we have done it and it went really well. Addison was so cute, at first she thought they were balls. Once we got her to stop throwing them, she would help by putting them on my cutting board. She pretty much just moved her stool around the kitchen where she wanted to be. It was funny!! Parker really helped by putting apricots on our food dehydrator. It was a family event. And now we have a ton of jam for the future. We love our neighbor!!
What do you do when it is officially your first day of summer and it is 108 degrees outside?? What else is there to do but play in the water. The kids had so much fun. Addison calls is "mimming" and Parker ran around like a maniac and had Addison laughing the whole afternoon. They didn't want to come in for dinner. Parker had a picnic instead of coming inside. Eventually he did come in though because he was the only one out there and I think he got lonely. Addison was hilarious. She loved the hose and loved to squirt Parker with it but sometimes would get herself and looked a little surprised by it. It was funny!!! Also mom and you recognize that swimsuit that Addison has on???....yep I still have it and I finally have a little girl that can use it. Never thought that would happen. Now that I have put the photos together it looks like I never take photos of Parker, I need to be better about that!!!
Parker talked about Field Day for weeks and how excited he was about it. He said that it was going to be so much fun and that there was going to be snow cones and they get to all wear matching t-shirts. We all went over and watched him play. It was funny to watch the kids. They all had a great time. It was great weather for spectators, but horrible for kids that were playing in the water. It was in the 70s and overcast. They all had fun anyway!!! Parker was funny in some of the relays. He was supposed to skip and ran instead...I think he needs a lesson in skipping. It was funny. He was more concerned about winning then doing it right. Also in the bottom right corner he found out what a brain freeze is, hilarious!!! I hate to laugh but really it was so funny. And it happened at the most perfect moment, I couldn't help but snap the photo. He is already looking forward to next year and he now has a new favorite t-shirt. (remember you can click on the collage to make it bigger so you can see the photos better.)