50 plus-the number of messes Jeff and I have cleaned up this week, thanks to our little Addison and her potty training.
0-the number of diapers I have changed this week. It feels so good...even though I have a baby on the way, now I won't have to change two sets of diapers. We had a few rough days this week trying to get Addison potty trained, but we only had 3-4 accidents today. That is very good!!! She is getting it!! YAY!!!
5-the size of our baby now. I had an ultrasound this week and they have measured the baby at 5 lbs 11 ounces. Also the number of weeks I have to go....woo hoo. Can't wait to meet this little one. And Dad.....no we still don't know what it is. Sorry, you will find out when we do.
1-the numbers of weeks until Spring Break....yay, we may travel. So we might go and do something fun. My doctor said it was fine to travel, but that is the very last week that I could. But we will have to see at my next appointment if I am having regular contractions or something looks out of the ordinary, it is a no go.
7-the number of weeks Parker has left in School.....oh my, where did the year go? He is doing great in school. We just had a Parent Teacher Conference with his teacher and he is doing great. He will for sure move onto the next grade. It has been a debate all year long. And if you know my hubby at all this should not come as a shocker...his best subject, Math. He takes after his dad. Jeff says we have an engineer on our hands. Way to go Parker!!
2.5-the number of books I read the month of February. I have read some great books. I go through these spurts of wanting to read. I have read Fallen...loved it. Can't wait to read the next one. Goose Girl...also a great one. I am halfway through the 2nd book Enna Burning. A great set of fairy tales.
6-the number of nights this week my kids have been to bed after 10:30 pm. Not sure what is going on with them, but we cannot get them to go to bed. They go to bed late, wake up early and you would think they would go to bed great the next day. Especially if they have not had naps....nope. So frustrating. And the only reason Addison went to bed tonight. I rocked her to sleep and then Jeff carried her to bed. Any ideas on how to get them to stay in bed. We take away all privileges and nothing. It does not work.
3-the number of days I had to go without a dishwasher this week. It is amazing how many dishes one family of four can go through. Thanks to my great hubby, it was back in order after only 3 days. I love having a handy husband. He fixed the motor and we are back in business. It only cost $135....I guess that is better than the price of a new one. But we did find out today that our lawn mower will cost more to fix than it will be for a new one. Oh happy day...why do things like this all happen at the same time. Oh well!!