Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thank heavens for Eye Makeup Remover

When I put my makeup on I never sit in front of a mirror. I usually have my makeup on the floor in front of me and I use my little mirror on my compact. Then after I am done I go and check it out in the big mirror....I have done it this way for years!!! Since Addison was able to sit up she has usually been right there with me and playing with whatever she could get her hands on. Well I think I may have to change my routine...what do you think??

You know what is funny about the whole thing is that she did not put it anywhere except what you see. Not on the carpet or her clothes. She has been paying close attention I guess. But I think she is a few years premature.


Tiffany said...

She has real potential...HAHA Super cute! I love photos like this!

Brimaca said...

I do the same thing and miss Lib sits right there, except I put a little on her as I do mine. She loves it.

Delcie said...

Funny! She got it in the general area, what a smarty! I have a picture of Deegan with mascara on both of his eyes! Kids are so cute when they think they're doing it right, but it's so wrong! Haha! Good luck with your little mascara queen!