Alright so I am way behind on blogging....only a this is way old. My little baby is not a little baby anymore. Seven years has gone by so quickly. Parker counted down the days to his birthday. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do. We had other plans for him. On his actual birthday we took him ice skating. He has been wanting to go for a long time. He really wants to play hockey and we thought the first step is learning to skate. He had so much fun!! Jeff stayed with the girls and I skated with him.

As you can see, we are both pros....what can I say, I have only been 3 other times. We had a good time. That is the first exercise I had for months and it had only been a month since I had Kate and so I was tired.
Afterwards we took the kids to Golden Corral...what is not to love about cotton candy and a chocolate fountain.

The highlight of the day....FINALLY getting the Wii game he has been wanting.
More of his birthday to come, he has a BIG surprise coming toward the end of the week.
Happy Birthday Parker!!
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