Lots and lots of bowling. Thank you AMF for free bowling.
Playing with kitties. They are getting big...kids are getting sad because we are getting rid of them soon.
Swimming, swimming and more swimming!!At first Kate hated it...she would cry EVERY time I put her in the water. Oh but I kept at it and now she LOVES it and thinks she is all that, until she falls and I have to save her. Then she is a little confused. Parker loves the slide at the local pool. He goes down that slide over and over.
Parker loves hanging out at the skate park, trying to break in his new blades.
This is my favorite spot ever....the ice!! When it is 108 degrees outside who wouldn't want to spend time watching Parker skate. It always feels so nice in there.
Movies, we got summer movie passes!! I spend most of my time in the hallway with Kate. Good thing it is cheap entertainment. She only makes it 45 minutes or so. Or until she is sick of popcorn and licorice.
Summer is almost half over, we are staying busy and we are having the time of our lives!!!

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