Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I may be rubbing off

I LOVE cereal!! I could eat it everyday for every meal. Jeff on the other hand hates it. Well hate is a strong word but he does ask me not to buy it. I don't have it all the time. Like right now we are out and I am sad. Well I guess I am rubbing off on my kids. If we have it, that is all the kids want to eat.

While I am talking about cereal.....let me tell you about the my favorite cereal ever. I LOVE Cracklin Oat Bran. It never goes on sale and is like $4.50 a box and so I hardly ever buy it but when I do it disappears quickly. I have always wondered though.....why does it look like cat food?? Don't you think it does??


Kurt and Shelli Barnum said...

I love Cracklin Oat Bran too. I bought it for my Foods students to snack on while I lectured about bran last year. When I gave it to them, they looked at me like I was out of my mind to be giving them cat food. They LOVED it! (After they got brave enough to taste it.)

Ashleigh said...

it does look like cat food! i would think it was a bonus if my husband didn't like cereal! more for me!

Delcie said...

Hahaha! You're right! It totally looks disgusting! The problem is that it tastes soooo yummy!