Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Look closely

Our little Kate is getting so big!! She is nearly 6 months old. Boy how time flies. She is such a good baby. I don't want to brag but she sleeps 12 hours EVERY night. And I cannot give anyone any advice on how to do it. She just does it. She has the cutest little laugh. She LOVES vegetable. She HATES fruit!! I have tried pears and peaches and nothing, she gags on it and spits it out. I am fine with that, veges are good for her. She is rolling all over the the place and the other day I found her on her hands and knees. Before we know it, she is going to be mobile. She is very much spoiled by her siblings. They adore her so much. And she loves to watch them. She does have a soft spot for Parker. Not sure what it is, but it is cute to watch. If you ask Jeff, She loves to watch football. And best of all....if you look closely in the photo, she has hair!!! I was looking at photos of Addison at this age and she was completely bald, but not our little Kate, it is so fun to see her little hair.




Stacey said...

AW! She is sooooo adorable and growing!

Ashlee said...

OH MY GOSH!! She is adorable :) You guys have such a cute family!!

Ashlee Carroll