Sunday, May 16, 2010

One am and here I sit......

I think that I am going to go crazy!!! Here it is one in the morning and I know darn well that I should not be awake. But here is how it goes. I have been getting these headaches for a couple of months now. They are not just any kind of headache. They are the kind that you want to go and hide in a closet with the door closed and a pillow over your head because any movement, sound, or light hurts your head. The really lovely kind of headache that literally takes you out. The only thing that is my saving grace is excedrin and a Dr. Pepper. I have tried just excedrin and nothing. It requires that I have the Dr. Pepper with it. This doesn't happen all the time but it has been happening every few days for about 2 weeks now. So tonight at 8 pm I took my excedrin and had a Dr. Pepper and now I am wide awake. I hate to have to have soda I know that it is not good for me, carbonation actually slows you down, but what is a girl to do. I think that I have narrowed it down. My hair has been getting really long and EVERYTIME I put it up in a ponytail of any sort I get one. When I wear it down nothing....but what am I supposed to do I can't wear it down all summer!! I would go crazy. The only reason I have not cut it yet is because Jeff likes it long and he asked I keep it that way. So I had my hair girl (She rocks by the way) thin it thinking that would solve the problem. Nope, so now I just wish it was 9 am in the morning so that I could get in ASAP and hopefully get my hair cut so that I don't have to deal with these headaches anymore. But as for right now I am wide awake and not sure what to do about it. The hardest part about the whole thing is that my alarm clock was not built with a snooze and it wakes up at 7 am on the dot every morning. Wish me luck tomorrow I think I am going to need it, or at least I am going to need a nap.


Brimaca said...

Man girl. That stinks! I hope cutting it helps. Maybe I should appreciate my thin, thin hair. ;)

Danielle said...

I have the same problem. I can't do much with my hair because of the headaches it causes. I hope you were able to get it cut so you don't have any more headaches!