Friday, July 17, 2009

TGIF (A little late)

1. Chips and Salsa make a quick and easy dinner. (I know it is not nutritious)

2. The Innocent Man, by John Grisham, is the book I'm reading right now.

3. July brings back memories of Family Reunions

4. No I don't want to hear any whining, that was obvious.

5. They say if you tell your dreams, (If you ask my husband and he is listening to my dreams) your crazy.(he thinks my dreams are weird and very detailed)

6. Give me time to think it over.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Transformers, never seen it, tomorrow my plans include celebrating Jeff's birthday and having some yummy cheesecake and Sunday, I want to not do laundry!


Heather Tew said...


Danielle said...

I say chips and salsa are very nutritious! Look at all that produce! :)