Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are you seeing a pattern??

Our little girl is now 11 months old, she is such a cute girl and her personality is really starting to emerge. Here are a few of her newest things....

-She likes to act like she is sharing, she takes it away just at the last minute and then won't share or won't give it to you at all.

-Loves food!!

-She loves to make messes!!

-Is walking everywhere!!

-Not sleeping through the night yet but she did do it 4 days in a row and had me in heaven!!(I hadn't had a full nights rest for over a year, I am hoping for this soon!!)

-Her favorite toy in the whole world is Parker's stuffed animal, Sockers!!

-She will tell you she wants more by sticking our her hand at you. (who cares about these signs we have been trying to get her to do since she was born??)

-Still loves books!!

-Loves to play with Parker and laugh at him!! They are a hoot in the car, he gets her to laugh the whole time.

We don't remember what it was like not having her around and glad that she is part of our family!!

1 comment:

Delcie said...

What a cutie!! It's funny how those little ones sneak into your heart and it's like they've always been there! What a blessing! Messes and all!