Sunday, August 2, 2009

Do me a favor...

I know that this is going to be a weird request, but I need all of you who read this (Oh I am sure that there are hundreds of you), to leave me a comment. I have had a few people tell me that they can't leave comments. I am not sure if it is them or if it is something I have done or need to do. I would really appreciate it!! Thank you so much!!


larshannon said...

Now this is a favor I can handle! :)

Danielle said...

Yeah we know you are just begging for comments. Seriously though I have had problems in the past. Usually it is with the word verification. I just hit tab until it finally shows up and then I am fine. Of course now that I have tried it said request could not be processed. Let's try again.

Elsha said...

No commenting problems here.

Matt and Jade said...

How's it going?

Delcie said...

Let's see if it works, this time.

Delcie said...

Hey, that tab tip totally worked! Hooray!!