Friday, June 5, 2009

9 things about our 9 month old

Addison is going to be 9 months tomorrow and I don't know what to do. It feels like just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital. She is such a crack up and we love her.

1. She loves (did I mention loves) grapes, well food in general but grapes for sure are #1

2. Not yet sleeping through the night, we oops I mean I, have high hopes that this will happen soon!!

3. Still walking around the furniture, but we think that walking will happen soon. She pushes things around the floor

4. Loves the water, bathtime is lots of fun, not to mention swimming

5. Can do the ASL sign for milk

6. Smiles all the time

7. Loves her older brother (it's funny, she laughs when he cries)

8. Pretty good at making messes (and is quiet when she does)

9. Loves to listen to music and likes to do singing time with mommy (If she is crying in the car me and Parker can sing to her and she will stop crying.) This is the opposite of her brother.

We are so glad that she came into our lives. She is such a joy to have around and is the happiest baby!! We love you Addison!!

1 comment:

larshannon said...

How did the past 9 months happen so fast? I wish I could just slow things down.